Assignment-1 Digital Deepak Internship Program-Batch2

Hello Digital Deepak Sir and everyone from this wonderful group
      I am Akansha from Lucknow and I have joined this group to learn from the valuable experiences of Digital Deepak. I love to read but somehow was sceptical about writing. After attending first class on 25th February 2020, I convinced myself to brush up my writing skills. To master any language is not a herculean task, but it needs only determination with I will do this.. thinking along with positive attitude. Somehow  I missed the chance of joining the first batch of Digital Deepak Internship Program, but as an believer in being positive, I daily thanked God for giving me the opportunity to let me know about this program in December but after missing the golden chance at that time, I was never in regret and surely  will get the chance of joining it again. Every day I use to express my gratitude to God for giving me everything and I have just asked to receive the information, that once again this program is going to start and my prayers were answered. And when I came to know about second batch of  Digital Deepak Internship Program without giving a second thought I joined.

My goal for joining this program
    Everyone have joined this program with an intention to explore the Digital Marketing under the guidance of Digital Deepak.  When I decided to set my goal, I have to apparent  about  why I  have joined and how much I can give myself to this program. What I have come a crossed about deciding my goals for joining this program.
1-      Why am I joining this program?
2-      What will I achieve?
These 2 questions were enough to visualize myself in Digital Marketing. But from where should I start. I always have a habit of first writing using a pen and paper, and then draft on laptop. This habit made me to draw my roadmap just by investing my time and determination. That if I want to improve my writing skills I have first write my thoughts on paper. Because whether a blogger, an artist or anyone who works for making a better script should always make your content concise.
This is my first article  which is not a great work  but to some extent great opportunity to kick start.
So now my first question,

Me-  Why am I joining this program?
Me-  Yes I am joining this program, to improve my communication skills. I am working as Website Development  Trainer at a leading Animation Institute and have always aspired to become a blogger,freelancer and consultant but I am lacking in designing along with writing. But now I have pull my socks to work on upgrading my skills because if I do not communicate through my work with others. Because creation of a website requires both designing and development. I have to seek help from other persons who are best in designing  and when I am a freelancer then definitely I have to write proposal. So both fields I need to brush-up because my communication is by my work portfolio which includes designing along with better colour schemes and creativity and well written proposal to attract high ticket client.

Me-  What will I achieve?
Me -  Confidence and stability that now I am no longer who seeks help for designing layout and writing proposals. 
So what I have learnt ?
1-      My Ever Expanding Market-

Earlier I could only do Website Development but now I have annexed my market as per the needs. I can  design a website I can't  do which in past I cannot along with developing it  also after upgrading my designing skills I have also start practicing designing User Interface and Experience..

2-      Global Economics and Me:
  As a freelancer definitely I would like to work with International Clients on long term projects, so I have to be strong and clear in my thought and ideas. And first thing is that communication is only possible with them I am able to converse with them in their language.

3-      My Market Demand Research

  Everyday new web technologies are emerging and trends changing in designing and development. So I have to been a keen observer about the latest trends which I can implement so that I can made my grip among clients as a professional who is ready to adapt new styles as per market.
4-      Personal Branding
     To establish myself as a brand, I have to clear and concise in my work. I have to tell about me and my work. Be adhere to my professional ethics so that I can always have confidence in me. No shortcuts no matter how hard it will be to find a perfect solution.
5-      My Niche
      My niche have extended from Website Development along with Website Designing and User Interface and Experience. Now I have a clear vision to start m blog on these topics and surely I will succeed under guidance of Digital Deepak.

6-      Funnel Strategy And Digital Marketing

To work more precisely with current tools and recent  Digital Marketing researches so that I can work more efficiently.

At the end all this is possible only when we will develop a habit of reading a lot to improve our communication skills. Because when we cannot converse it becomes difficult to exchange our thoughts and ideas to conclude a point.


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